Sunday, June 5, 2011

SOS: stepping out saturday

okay, dont hate. do you hear me!!??

I am theee most insecure person you will ever meet. however, i got a new shirt & put it on with some dark wash jeans to hang at my omas for the day (last weekend) and thought heck i'll take a full shot photo. LOL

so no, this wasn't from yesterday, i'm a week behind. just worked up the nerve to show off my bodylicious curves. love it dammit, love it!

thank you to nina from momma go round to give me the courage to love my curves & be proud of who i am. thanks nina!!

shirt: wally world
pants: reitmans

so there ya go, i'm stepping out with harper's happenings!


  1. Aww lubs ya chica! Your as beautiful on the outside as ya are on the inside!

  2. That top is gorgeous on you, beautiful print!

  3. Love it...and that top goes great with those dark jeans!
